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what is ems

adapted from the pattern of qualitymanagement system and environmental management system, energy management system(ems) establishes a complete, effective and documented management system whichcombines the features of energy management and its particular requirements,following the principles of system administration. via founding, operating andmaintaining ems under ems standard, enterprises can enhance and improve theirenergy management level, achieve reduction on energy consumption and increase efficiencyof energy use. ems is essentially a kind of innovation on management andconcept.

why ems is necessary?

1.   because energy crisis isincreasingly serious, energy shortage has become a critical constraint onnational economy development. the constantly upward energy price has become animportant factor that restricts the development of companies.

2.   energy conservation andemission reduction are unavoidable tasks. during the twelfth five-year period,the tasks are going to be more onerous, the evaluation indices are going to bemore rigorous. as the hard core of energy conservation and emission reductionand sustainable development, enterprises must cognize further development trendof times, strengthen sense of urgency and responsibility, by combining ownactual situation, figure out the direction, target, emphasis and measures ofsustainable development.

3.   energy management has hugecoverage area. the exploitation and application of energy saving technique and equipmentare merely one phase. simply depending on technique cannot completely resoluteproblems such as the contradiction between energy supply and need. the key ofenergy management is utilizing systematic method to reduce energy consumption,enhance the efficiency of energy use, promote behavioral energy saving andbuild the ems


our services

1. assist on making decisions andscale defining;

2. original energy use evaluation;

3. constitute the evaluation teamand train the team members;

4. system planning;

5. compile the ems files;

6. operate the ems;

7. internal examination and managerialassessment;

8.  help to pass the third partycertification audit.

your gains

1. the maximum of energy conservationand energy cost reduction, keeping competitive ability despite the increasingprice;

2. enhancement of organizational performanceand productivity;

3. satisfy the government’srequirement about complying with relevant policies and regulations. meet the indextarget set by competent government department;

4. win the government subsidies. forexample, the state provides 200-250 yuan subsidy for saving each ton standardcoal to the enterprises. the prerequisite is the enterprises must have thoroughems;

5. encourage innovation. build theorganizational benchmark and ceiling, realize the best practice of energyconservation in the industry, and prepare the opportunity for future r&d underthe low-carbon environment;

6. ensure energy supply. manage theenergy consumption and capital expense through the whole course, control theenergy risk, and recognize the area of vital risk within the enterprise;

7. integrate all managementsystem. combine the ems and current management system to make the profit boom.


our advantages

1. technical support provided bysenior specialists from various field;

2. further services such aslow-carbon management, proposals of carbon reduction and carbon tradingservice;

3. ability on carbon assetsexploitation and development.

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